- Adresse: 31 Gamaat El Dowal St,
El Mohandeseen - Giza.
Ville : Gizeh - Tel: +20 109 099 9017 /
Gsm: +20 109 099 9017 - Envoyez nous un E-mail
مركز د.مصطفي الشافعي لتجميل و زراعة الأسنان افضل مركز طبي لتجميل الابتسامة و صناعة ابتسامة النجوم .مع د.مصطفي الشافعي زراعة الاسنان الألماني بدون الم مع احدث وسائل التعقيم و احدث طرق العلاج الحشوات التجميلية و حشو العصب بدون الم في جلسة واحده . علاج اللثة و قسم طب أسنان الأطفال .مع افضل دكتور اسنان د.مصطفي الشافعي احدث وسائل التعقيم و احدث طرق العلاج في مجال طب الأسنان مع احدث الوسائل التشخيصية عن احدث اجهزة الاشعه .. يسعدنا دائما استقبالكم
We strongly believe that prevention is better than cure. This is why we promote routine dental examinations so any problems are detected at an early stage when the treatment requires is simpler and easier and actually makes going to the dentist a much more pleasant experience.
Our consultations include a full medical history to identify any conditions of significance, a thorough dental examination, radiographs, study models and photographs as appropriate. We will discuss with you all treatment options and provide you with a written estimate and treatment plan.
Our range of preventative treatments include:
Scale and Polish of teeth:
Isn’t it a great feeling when the teeth have been cleaned and polish and all the plaque, calculus and staining are removed leaving your teeth feeling clean and fresh?
Oral Hygiene Sessions:
How you clean and look after your teeth when you leave the dental clinic is so important to the health of your mouth and so we spend time to explain and demonstrate different methods that you can use to keep your mouth fresh and healthy. Did you know that it is better to use a fluoride mouthwash after a meal than to brush your teeth
Contacter : DENTAL HOUSE
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