مشافي وعيادات



   Established in 1997 as share holding company.
Our aim is to provide the highest quality medical services at competitive prices.

The first branch lies in central area of Cairo Al-Manyal nearby many major medical establishments and most of famous doctors.

Shubra branch is the second branch also lies in central crowded area near all transport means.

Nasr City branch, opening Oct 2016 in ELITE INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL ( ALNOKHBA) :
including all cardiac and vascular investigations in a modern hospital with a lab working 24h
ER dept. for all cardiac emergency and inpatient dept and ICU & CCU
2 operative rooms ready for cardiac and vascular surgery.
and soon a cardiac cath lab with EPS and multislice CT to be a Complete cardiac management center .

للاتصال ب : CARDIO SCAN

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