هندسة معمارية



    Engineering Design-group (EDG) for Design and Engineering Consulting
Executive Managner and President of Engineering Design-Group (EDG),for Design and Engineering Consulting.August 2011 - Now (Full Time)Sample of handled projects1) Strengthening and changing the structural system of a group of villas and buildings.2) Designing of textile factory the owner mr. Sohel Al Aswad in El-Sadat City,Thesystem of the roof floor consists of steel frames spanning up to 30.00 meters restingon reinforced concrete columns nicks and foundations. And administration buildingconsists of flat slabs On land of area of approxiimately 6000 square meters.3) Design of a 14 story residential building in El Harm city, Cairo. On land of area ofapproxiimately 1000 square meters The building is owned by DR. abd alsame3mahmoud and parteners. The structural floor system consists of reinforced concreteflat slabs for ground floor and solid slabs for basement and typical floors. The lateralload resisting system is a reinforced concrete core and shear walls and couple shearwalls in both directions. Design includes all engineering branches (architectural-civil-electrical).4) Design of a 13 story residential building in El Harm city, Cairo. On land of area ofapproxiimately 1400 square meters The building is owned by DR. abd alsame3mahmoud and parteners. The structural floor system consists of reinforced concreteflat slabs for ground and first floors and solid slabs for basement and typical floors.The lateral load resisting system is a reinforced concrete core and shear walls andcouple shear walls with outerriggeres in both directions. Design includes allengineering branches (architectural-civil-electrical)


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